Saturday, May 31, 2008

Being a badass

We see them everywhere, walking around with their watches and their 'can do' attitudes. These people are badasses.
So one may ask, what does it really to become a badass? or what can I do to make myself more badass and more appealing to women and/or men.

What it takes to be a badass

1. The walk
Probably one of the most cruical steps in becoming a badass is the way you walk. The walk is the epitomy of yourself. It represents who you are, how you think, wether you are a strong physically and mentally and of course wether you are badass.

When walking make sure to twist your foot approximately 20 degrees outwards, so you are pretty much stepping side ways. Your hands should hang by your side, possibly coming in contact with the ends of your pockets.

2. Master your emotional state

In order to reek the benefits of a badass repertoire you must learn to keep your emotional state as monotonious as possible. This means no smiling in photos, no hard laughs. If you must laugh, let out a slight smile with an exhale. "Try to keep your mood somewhere between the cheery HR guy who springs into work beaming and happy day after day and the depressing, super-negative guy always throwing up roadblocks in front of everyone else’s ideas from the dark corner of every meeting. "
Be serious, progmatic and realistic.

3. Cursing helps

Throw out the f-bomb from time to time, not so much as to give people the impression that you are an ilterate drop out, but to add emphasis to the points you are trying to get across.

4. Disrespect your environment

Knock over bins, litter. Whatever it takes.
You need to show everyone, that you don't give a f@#% and the best way to do this is by making a slight yet noticeable mess around you. However, you must keep it cool and collected, if you are in an office throw your feet up on the desk. If you are in the park lay down with your legs outsretched on the bench, so that nobody else can sit down.

5. Play an instrument and play it well

Hopefully you had already played an instrument in your younger years, if not this is the time to learn. Females love guys who can play instruments and it drives guys crazy when they cannot. A banjo is regarded a 'sextrument' learn that.
Instant sex appeal

6. Samuel L Jackson

It goes without saying, mimic every word and action of Samuel L Jackson,
the creator of badass.

If you take the above 6 steps into consideration, I guarantee you shall acheive badass guru status in no time.

- pimpinkid


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

COOL!!! I absolutely agree, it works all the time.
Thanks dude!